SACRED SYSTEMS - Rebalancing the Bioelectrical Patterns of Human Energetics
Sacred Systems is a training program teaching the principles of vibrational frequency and harmonic resonance to locate distortions and imbalances in the innate patterns of the electromagnetic systems of the body. Sacred Systems focuses on the nervous system and the fascia system of the body, the two major information highways that connect and carry all information throughout the physical and energetic systems. When defended reactive patterns within these systems are desensitized and repatterned to align with truth, the innate ability of the body to rebalance energetically is supported.
Level 1 of the program is an 8 point training based on applied practical science, experiential awareness, expanded consciousness, and supported understanding from spiritual and academic texts. It is designed to give you a deeper knowledge of human anatomy from an energetic perspective, knowledge of vibrational medicine and energy healing modalities, a deepening awareness of self through psycho-spiritual process, heightened sensory awareness through deepening connection with your Creator, the foundational principles of the human energy field, and an understanding of habitual defensive patterns and how they manifest in the physical and energetic body. This level is 120 hours of academic and hands-on training with a skills exam required to move onto the next level.
Level 2 of the program focuses on how to follow detailed nervous system flow, how to shift patterned trauma responses in the nervous system using titrated reactivation with guided imagery, how to locate where in the cellular body distortions in thoughts and beliefs associated with the trauma memory are held, how to help the client shift from distortion to truth, how to facilitate client recognition of early body signals that will help them step out of a reactive pattern when triggered, and how to help facilitate healing within the physical body. This level is 80 hours of academic and hands-on training developing therapeutic skills.
Level 3 is designed for those who want to become a Sacred Systems practitioner. This level is a 40 hour supervised practicum, working directly with clients.
* prerequisites and interview are required for each participant