This book, written by Marcy, uses a trinity of proof - easy to understand scientific explanation, scriptural support for the concepts and life experiences - to explain how and why energy medicine works.
Calm the brain - Calm the body
Marcy is a Bioenergetic therapist in private practice in Kansas City. Marcy brings a unique combination of personal life experiences, academic training and twenty years of scripture study into her practice.
She received her undergraduate degree in psychology and postgraduate degree in Bioenergetics. She has also received advanced training in QiGong medicine, Process Paint therapy, and central nervous system therapy.
Marcy's passion and curiosity to understand the bigger picture, willingness to step outside traditional thinking, and love for the foundational truths found in science and scripture provide the perfect platform for discovering how science and faith work together in Bioenergetics.
““I would tell anyone to try bioenergetics. You will feel noticeably better after just one session. It has literally changed my life.”
Terri McGowen
Business Executive ”
““I didn’t know how blocked I was. I got in touch with some amazing and very deep feelings during this process.”
Pam McKamie
““I am convinced that bioenergetic therapy was the most important part of my healing after major surgery!”
Dee Hudgens
Nurse, Therapist”